Saving Places
Ease of Preparation
Ease of Maintenance
Technique is a way of farming that Verticulture done by placing the planting medium in the containers are arranged vertically, or it can be said that vertikultur an effort towards vertical space utilization. Thus the system vertikultur planting can be alternative for people who live in the city, which has a narrow land or no land left for cultivation.
The types of plants that are normally cultivated plants that have high economic value, short-lived or crops especially vegetables (such as celery, caisism, pack-choy, baby you, and lettuce), and has a root system that is not too broad.
Engineering Excellence Verticulture:
1. Save land and water
2. Support for organic farming
3. Container planting medium adapted to local conditions
4. Age of plants is relatively short
5. Plant maintenance is relatively simple
6. Can be done by anyone who is interested.
Understanding Techniques Verticulture
Verticulture verticulture taken from the term in English (vertical and culture) means the system of agricultural cultivation done or rise vertically. How vertikultur farming is actually tantamount to planting in the garden or in the fields. The difference lies in the use of land. For example, the land may only be 1 meter to plant 5 plants. With a vertical system can be used for 20 plants.
The extent of cultivated plants which we will depend on the model we use container.
Forms Techniques Verticulture
Verticulture can be done by utilizing the materials and equipment that are all around us. Selection of media containers should be selected from materials strong enough and able to stand up straight.
Some draft media containers commonly used are:
- Columns arranged in a vertical container media. Each container arranged in an upright position / stand and a hole on the surface as open space or as a planting hole.
- Column media containers arranged horizontally. Each container is made in the form of columns horizontally (pots, polybags, crackle) which are then arranged in shelves towards the vertical
- Media containers hanging. Containers composed of interconnected media and then hanged, so as to resemble a hanging pots.
Step - step by Verticulture Cultivation Work:
- Taking into account the condition of the land to be used for cultivation (land area)
- Preparation of container growing media in accordance with the existing conditions (either bamboo, PVC pipe / PVC, guttering, plastic pots, tin cans, poly bags, plastic bag, etc.
- Making buildings vertikulturPreparation of plant growing medium (soil + organic fertilizer)
- The selection of plants to be cultivated, will depend on the plant canopy, sunlight requirements, and selected as a container planting. All 3 of these factors must be taken into account if one unit building vertikultur cultivated some plants as well.
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